The Advantages of Regular Bedside Wound Care in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Table of Contents:

Background on Wound Care Management

1.1 Understanding Wound Types

Wounds, characterized as breaks in body tissue, can arise from external trauma or internal factors. The elderly population residing in skilled nursing facilities (SNFs) is particularly susceptible to chronic or non-healing wounds due to age-related skin changes, comorbid conditions, and medications. It is crucial to differentiate between acute and chronic wounds as their care approaches vary significantly.

Acute wounds, such as burns, surgical wounds, and traumatic injuries, follow a typical healing progression and usually respond well to standard treatments. On the other hand, chronic wounds, including pressure ulcers, infectious wounds, and non-healing surgical wounds, require specialized care due to their challenging nature. Chronic wounds often result from infections or improper healing and demand comprehensive assessment, expert treatment plans, and skilled care.

1.2 The Importance of Proper Wound Care

Proper wound care management is essential to ensure optimal healing outcomes and prevent complications in patients. Chronic wounds, in particular, can significantly impact a patient’s quality of life and lead to severe consequences if not treated promptly and effectively.

1.3 Challenges in Skilled Nursing Facilities

Skilled nursing facilities play a vital role in caring for elderly patients with chronic wounds. However, these facilities typically lack in-house wound specialist physicians. As a result, SNF residents with chronic or non-healing wounds are often transported to outpatient wound care centers. While these centers offer skilled physicians and advanced treatment options, this practice poses challenges and risks for ill and elderly patients.

Specialized Wound Care

2.1 What is Specialized Wound Care?

Specialized wound care is a tailored approach to managing wounds that require comprehensive assessment and expert intervention. These wounds include infected or non-healing wounds that demand specialized treatment plans to promote healing and prevent complications.

2.2 The Role of Wound Care Specialists

Wound care specialists are physicians with advanced training or significant clinical experience in wound management. They may come from various medical backgrounds, such as family medicine, internal medicine, or surgery. These experts possess the expertise to oversee wound healing from start to finish, providing comprehensive assessments, developing specialized care plans, and regularly following up on healing progress.

2.3 The Traditional Approach: Outpatient Wound Care Centers

Traditionally, SNF residents with chronic wounds would be transported to outpatient wound care centers for specialized treatment. While these centers offer skilled physicians and advanced treatment options, frequent commutes to external care centers can be costly, time-consuming, and dangerous for patients. Moreover, it hampers effective communication within the care team, hindering the overall quality of care.

The Value of Bedside Wound Care

3.1 The Bedside Care Model

A valuable alternative to commuting for specialized wound care is providing SNF residents with regular bedside wound care services and access to wound specialists. Vohra Wound Physicians, the nation’s leading wound care specialty practice, offers this innovative approach by partnering with SNFs to provide skilled physicians who conduct weekly visits and deliver bedside care and procedures.

3.2 The Advantages of Bedside Wound Care

Bedside wound treatment offers several advantages, including enhanced continuity of care, improved wound care knowledge among SNF nursing staff, and better communication within the interdisciplinary care team. Skilled SNFs with exemplary wound care programs can also be recognized as Vohra Centers of Excellence, distinguishing themselves for their commitment to exceptional patient care.

3.3 Enhancing Continuity of Care

By offering bedside care and procedures, and utilizing telemedicine through the Vohra@Home program, Vohra physicians provide many services previously offered only at wound care centers. This approach ensures patient comfort, avoids the risk of infection associated with commutes, and fosters effective communication within the care team.

3.4 Improving Communication within the Care Team

Effective communication is vital in wound care management to ensure the patient receives the most comprehensive and coordinated care. Bedside wound care allows wound specialists to work closely with the SNF care team, fostering seamless communication and collaboration. This ensures that all members of the interdisciplinary care team are well-informed and involved in the patient’s treatment plan.

Understanding Chronic Wound Care

4.1 The Challenge of Chronic Wounds

Chronic wounds are a significant challenge in SNFs, as they require comprehensive assessment and tailored treatment plans. Factors such as patient risk factors, comorbidities, and mobility limitations must be considered to develop effective treatment approaches.

4.2 Comprehensive Assessment and Tailored Treatment Plans

Comprehensive assessment is essential in identifying the underlying causes of chronic wounds and developing tailored treatment plans. Specialized care may include debridement, cauterization, skin biopsies, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, negative pressure wound therapy, and the use of advanced wound dressings.

4.3 The Importance of Combination Therapy

Combination therapy, involving the simultaneous use of multiple treatments or medications, can speed up wound healing and improve patient outcomes. Strategic combination therapy can be valuable in the treatment of chronic wounds and can assist in preventing rehospitalizations.

4.4 The Right Wound Care Dressings

Selecting the appropriate wound care dressings is essential in promoting effective wound healing. Dressing selection depends on factors such as breathability, flexibility, and absorbency. Physicians also consider the type of wrap and compression needed based on the location and type of wound.

Partnering with Vohra - The Best Wound Care Management Company

5.1 The Pioneering Approach of Vohra Wound Physicians

Vohra Wound Physicians has revolutionized wound care management by pioneering a comprehensive, patient-centric approach. With a team of highly skilled wound care specialists, Vohra offers expert wound care services directly at skilled nursing facilities (SNFs). This innovative bedside care model eliminates the need for patients to commute to outpatient wound care centers, reducing costs and potential risks associated with transportation.

5.2 Weekly Visits and Bedside Care

As part of their commitment to exceptional wound care, Vohra physicians conduct weekly visits to partnered SNFs. These regular visits enable physicians to assess wounds, develop personalized treatment plans, and provide ongoing care and oversight. By offering bedside care, Vohra physicians ensure continuous communication and collaboration with the facility’s interdisciplinary care team, fostering seamless coordination and improved patient outcomes.

5.3 Utilizing Telemedicine through Vohra@Home

In addition to on-site visits, Vohra Wound Physicians offers the Vohra@Home telemedicine program. Through telemedicine, Vohra physicians can provide remote wound care support to patients who may not require in-person visits but still benefit from expert wound care oversight. This program enhances the accessibility of wound care services and allows for timely adjustments to treatment plans as needed.

5.4 Advantages for Skilled Nursing Facilities

Partnering with Vohra Wound Physicians offers numerous advantages for skilled nursing facilities. By having expert wound care specialists conduct weekly visits at the facility, SNFs can improve continuity of care and patient outcomes. The elimination of patient commutes to wound care centers reduces the risk of infection and injury during transportation. Additionally, Vohra physicians’ expertise and collaboration with the care team enhance the overall quality of wound care services provided by the facility.

Becoming a Vohra Center of Excellence

6.1 Achieving Exemplary Wound Care Programs

Skilled nursing facilities that excel in wound care management can achieve the prestigious designation of a Vohra Center of Excellence. This distinction is earned by demonstrating a commitment to providing exceptional wound care services and continuously improving patient outcomes. To achieve this status, SNFs must meet rigorous wound care standards and implement best practices in wound management.

6.2 The Distinction of Vohra Centers of Excellence

Becoming a Vohra Center of Excellence sets skilled nursing facilities apart as leaders in wound care. This designation showcases the facility’s dedication to delivering the highest level of wound care services to its residents. With the support and expertise of Vohra Wound Physicians, Vohra Centers of Excellence have access to cutting-edge wound care techniques, comprehensive wound assessments, and continuous wound care oversight, ensuring the best possible outcomes for their patients.
Note: All content provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for proper wound care management and treatment.
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Author: Janet S. Mackenzie, MD, ABPS, CWSP, AAGP

Janet S Mackenzie MD, ABPS, CWSP, AAGP is the Chief Medical Officer at Vohra Wound Physicians. She has been with the company since 2013 and has almost 30 years of wound care experience as both a plastic surgeon and a wound care specialist. After obtaining a Master’s degree in Education, she obtained her Medical Degree from the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine. She trained in general surgery at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and plastic surgery at McGill University. She is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, the American Board of Wound Management, and the American Board of General Medicine, and is a Certified Wound Specialist Physician (CWSP).

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